➡➙➞ WATCH Images of Apartheid: Filmmaking on the Fringe in the Old South Africa ⟵⟵⇦
The death penalty should be reinstated. It is the only way to scare people into taking life so easily.
Seizing the means of production. Distributing everything equally. A value system that puts black people first. Lovely. Racist Communism. My favorite..
I wonder what people would be saying if the bias was in favor of the previously disadvantaged South Africans. Or in fact 100% honest and involved all people of South Africa. The only time a black person was shown, was to discredit them and show 'proof' of the information illustrated..
I shared it .. side note.. Whites are mostly getting killed ..for their Farmland and this is slowly happening in The USA too. They wish to get rid of the Whites World wide, sadly
THIS is so bad ass Lauren , brutally honest, never stop!!!! Lots of love and prayers
SA will turn into Zimbabwe... good luck. thank you lauren southern for educating the world
majority does not mean nothing,good governance means something
The Govt likely won't redistribute the land to the black people! Or design it so the transfer won't be sustainable & ultimately revert back to the Govt! I take back my words, he's a good manager If white people do not want to treat blacks as equal and share the land they need to get out and move back to Europe
i havent cried in years.. this is really bad and im not even white or from the west. thanks Lauren for sharing this stay safe. I agree these guys are slow but they've had pilot projects before this and it failed so I can't understand this logic. The ANC is a liberation party they are fighting a war that was won years ago. We need to move past the us and them and we need leaders that think forward not backward.. u4cuwqx4
6:42 when a white person says south africa went to shit , after apartheid your a racist and ultra right, but seems even the black people feel this way!. nelson mendella just filled hes own pockets, and hes wife was even worse!.. Africa doesn't need dreams. Africa needs to wake up. This is one of my best take-home lessons in this hillarious but informative movie. Indeed, my African people, we need to collectively wake up and confront some of the issues facing our beautiful continent. I will be simple and plain. Ignorance is taking away more lives than AID/HIV. True or false. Neither because that is my own opinion and each individual should have his/her own opinion for the sake of fairness. It is called democracy. My comments will be geared towards East African nations, especially South Sudan. So if I forget or ignore you, please forgive me. My people, ignorance is the root cause of conflicts in Africa. Greedy leaders who want to advance their wallets and fame use this tool to divide tribes and then turn the against each other. This is true in my Country, South Sudan. Is there a cure for ignorance? No, there is no cure but education and basic self-awareness are preventative measures. My people, even the best and most well educated humans can suffer signs of ignorance. It's contagious and you most like will get it from hanging out with idiots. An idiot is a person who say mean things without remorse or regret. An idiot thinks of himself/herself all the time and forget that there are other humans in the world. Those are my views on what I think an idiot is. What is yours? Please reply and comment. Second, most of the ignorant countries lack basic or formal education in some parts of their country. I was born around 1980 and left home, South Sudan, in 1987 as a Jesh El Amer(later known as lost boys of Sudan). Before I left, i remember sneaking into a Missionary School in Makolcuei in Bor. Unfortunately, I wasn't that clever at the time and the goats I was attending rampaged our farm and our neighbour. I slept without food or water that night and warned not to go to school again. I knew I was wrong. It was a bad decision to avoid an immediate duty to seek for a long-term one(your dreams). I had a dream of becoming a teacher...to build minds for better but God Almighty got plans for everyone. Just be you, be humble, be kind to yourself and your neighbours and things will fall into place. That is the first 💊 for ignorance. We will talk about the secound pill in later comments. Kwaheri wenzangu..
In my African congolaire trebien mour a mour.Rwanda
issuu.com/poebanthori/docs/sabercathost_mac_progress_x_mcw. issuu.com/ilcatdere/docs/full_guest_house. https://ameblo.jp/honbachiji/entry-12439273734.html.
In Israel: Im white and in South Africa. The first chance i get, im out of here. Eastern Europe and South Asia looks to be the only decent places left.. Woow!!!great kids.....I appreciate ur courage guys in due.really, ''Africa needs to wake up''.thx for the movie https://doriaoya.storeinfo.jp/posts/5704902 I fully agree with you Thomas Ncobo. Immigration law should be upheld here the same as everywhere else in the world. Many South Africans are suffering because jobs are taken by illegal Immigrants. A growing number of the populous simply cannot find work or successfully integrate into the economy. Sadly this and other serious issues like skills development and education is less important to our government than buying armament and submarines do defend us against GOD knows what. .
First time watching African movie from Nepal
This BLF woman is crazy People stop saying the government is taking the land because of the skin color, this is to be done because the land was robbed from us black people. https://issuu.com/phimumuldu/docs/language_filipino_nederlands_the_pr wosubunen/entry-12439500156.html
they where offered land or money guess what they took?? and now they want the land!! these people are mentlly ill and are being used for the commie agenda Underdeveloped and retarded country. I would not go there even if I am paid to do so,. It is sickening to see how these people destroy a country that once had a future.
Black Site ameblo.jp/yuishikaku/entry-12439297646.html